Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Nonami Takizawa's Melons | Link Bait

Before I begin this super huge megapost on Nonami Takizawa... I have a small request. If you have a blog or website, show me some love by linking to A Bikini Life! I gotta get me some serious recognition in the cursed blogosphere. I'm actually a really dedicated bikini blogger! Do you know any other peeps who wax lyrical over busty beauties? I take me job seriously! Somebody's gotta write provocative, chauvinistic banter and pimp em sexy-as-hell chicks in bikinis! Link to me damnit!

Onto to Nonami-chan! This boob... um I mean this post is huge! 215 pictures of this wonderfully busty babe is enough to drive anyone crazy with lust. If I ever had to roleplay naughty office, Nonami will definitely be the demure secretary with a pink lacy bra barely discernible under a clean, tight white blouse. She'll have her hair tied up princess-style in a high knot with a long anime ponytail. I'll buy her coffee during lunch and set up a movie date on casual Friday. I'll probably send her home after the show and she'll ask me up for a nightcap .. hooorah!